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Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Gynocentric Christianity

Ancient Priestess

We live in a world where boys and men are encouraged to be tough and macho. We can see this in so many Hollywood films where the hero is tough and extremely violent. This is not new thing as we have many stories from history of violent, macho heroes. Who is loved by the most beautiful women in the film.

The big problem with this, is that a world ruled by these macho men is also a world of violence, wars, genocide and chaos. So we have to question whether encouraging young men to be aggressive and violent is a good idea.

The opposite way of seeing men is in the figure of Jesus who has a reputation of being, “meek and mild”. His teaching are an embarrassment to many Christians as he taught people to people to, “turn the other cheek”, to “love your enemies and bless them that hate you”. He even predicted that, “the meek shall inherit the Earth”.

This is the total antitheses of a macho man who would be condemned as a wimp if he behaved like this. It is also not the behaviour of Old Testament heroes like David, Moses or Samson who likewise were violent men. It is even not the behaviour of Mohammed who also used violence against those who opposed him.

Clearly, we would live in a far more loving and caring world if all men behaved like Jesus, but as the Bible shows, when he was betrayed and false allegations made about him he didn’t resist. Then he was whipped and crucified and he was powerless to prevent this happening.

So does this show us that, yes if would be wonderful if all men behaved like Jesus but this is impossible in our brutal, macho world. So if this is true why has this story survived for two thousand years?

Clearly Jesus is the antithesis of the macho man that most patriarchal societies promote, so how it is that his story has survived? The reason seem to be is that his story is so popular among ordinary people. The patriarchal elite may disapprove of the behaviour of Jesus but if the common people like him, then the ruling elite go along with this, if it gains popularity for the Christian Church.

Most patriarchal writings teach us that it is natural for men to be “tough and macho” and that you are not a “real man” unless you behave like this. Yet, if this was true why do patriarchal societies have to indoctrinate men to behave like this?

So could it be that men like Jesus because they see themselves in his behaviour? While women like Jesus because he is the type of men they would like to be with? As many people have pointed out even though Jesus is glorified in the Christian religion, he would be condemn by his own Church if returned in our modern world.

Certainly a male behaving like like Jesus would be bullied at school and in the workplace and be condemned as a wimp or a masochist. Yet there are men who naturally behave in the way Jesus taught.

We can find such men in the homosexual community although there are also very macho gay men. While in the heterosexual community we find femdom men who want to serve and worship women. Men like this are condemned as perverted masochists for wanting to do this.

Yet femdom desires can teach a man to be loving and caring for women and other people. But such men are clearly not macho and this is why patriarchy prefers to call such men masochistic, rather than loving men. Unfortunately because of patriarchal pressure, some femdom men feel they need to assert themselves to try and prove they are ‘normal’.

Of course in the Bible we don’t find Jesus wanting to serve and worship women. On the contrary, it is claimed he did sacrificed himself to appease a angry male god and this is why Jesus is popular in the homosexual community. For a male to sacrifice himself to another male is something they like.

In the heterosexual community it would make more sense for Jesus to sacrifice himself to a Goddess and this it seems is suggested in the Gnostic Gospel, “The Sophia Of Jesus Christ”. Sophia is the ancient Jewish Goddess of wisdom.

Jesus is not the only sacrificial/saviour god there were others before Jesus and these religion were very popular. So popular that before Roman imposed Christianity onto the Roman Empire, the three most popular religions were, the Egyptian Isis religion, the Mithras religion and Christianity all had sacrificial/saviour gods within them.

So why would the whole concept of a loving sacrificial male god be so popular? It could be that this is what men are really like, but it is only patriarchal indoctrination that turns them into brutal macho men.

The very passive and masochistic behaviour of men is shown to us by the military. Where the army can easy train men to become so obedient that in WW1 millions of soldiers walk out of trenches to face certain death from machine-gun fire, because they were ordered to do so. The Japanese air force took it a stage further when they used suicide bombers in WW2.

In fact the whole patriarchal society is dependant on men’s blind obedience to those in authority over them. Unfortunately, the whole of patriarchal history shows that patriarchal rules care little for the people they rule as they exploit them.

It would make far more sense if our world was ruled instead by caring women. This I think is what the creators of all sacrificial/saviour religions tried to promote. Unfortunately, all were destroyed and distorted by patriarchal rulers so only Christianity now survives but censored and changed to the degree that patriarchy could tolerate it. 

Goddess of Love
 God is female and not male. Mystics tell us that God is One, one mind, one spirit. Oneness comes through unconditional love and we find this in the maternal love of females for children, though some women can extend this to everyone else. So Universal love has to be feminine in nature.

So it is a waste of time worshipping a male god because the masculine is about, individualism and separation which leads to loneliness, fear, conflict, violence, hatred and chaos.

So all of us lost our contract with God when we started to worship male gods because we were on the wrong wavelength in prayer or mediation. The feminine God loves us all unconditionally which is the message Jesus was attempting teach us. But in the Bible this message had to work in the confines of a loving father god which didn’t work very well.

Our history is a history of conflict, violence and hatred because it is dominated by the masculine with male rulers and religions of male gods. We can reverse this when we worship the feminine, which is what femdom men are attempting to do. (Even though they might get it wrong when, ‘topping from the bottom’.)

We live in a world dominated by patriarchy and it seems that the masculine way is all-powerful. Yet the true power of the universe is the All-powerful feminine One. We are at the mercy of masculine power when we lose our contract with the Feminine One. So a Goddess religion based on Omnipresent and Omnipotent Female One is the way we can regain our power and create a loving and caring world.

So the instincts of Femdom men might be right, even though their desires might be distorted by patriarchal indoctrination. Women are also indoctrinated by patriarchy to believe they are weak and naturally submissive. But some women have somehow followed their own instincts and questioned patriarchal dogma.

It is through such women that we had women working together to empower themselves. So that during the 19th and 20th centuries we have had Feminism and the Suffragettes who have given women greater political and economic power.

Some these women have understood that God is female, like Emmeline Pankhurst who once said. “trust in God SHE will provide”. And it is from this understanding that they become powerful. 

To read more about this go to. Female Friendly Femdom