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Thursday 26 August 2021

Matriarchal Fiction Books

                      2084                                                                                              A Girl From the Dark Realm

Thursday 12 November 2020

How Women Can Dominate The World Through Spiritual Power.

There was a time at the dawn of recorded history when people worshiped the Great Mother. This was a golden age of peace and harmony where women rule the world and men worshiped women as goddesses. But later when people no longer worshiped the Great Mother and worshiped male gods then female power declined and we now live in a world of conflict, wars, poverty and widespread suffering.

So now in our patriarchal world men clearly more powerful than women. Physically, men are on average bigger and stronger than women and mentally more competitive and aggressive than women. This means that in our materialistic world men have all the advantages.

Clearly women will always find it difficult to compete against men for power in our patriarchal world.  Some women are able to teach themselves to be assertive and competitive and be successful in dog-eat-dog world of patriarchal politics and business.  While other women can take advantage of men’s submissive and masochistic desires and dominate men in the Femdom world. But there is another way women can gain power without having to learn how to be assertive or find passive or masochistic men and that is through spiritual power.

Although men have all the advantages in the materialistic world, women have the advantage in the spiritual world. Unfortunately, women are not using this power, because in our patriarchal world with its patriarchal religions this information is not given to women. We all have been taught to worship male gods and women do not know the unlimited power of the ancient Great Mother.

Mystics tell us that God is the ONE, the All-That-There-is, One mind and One Spirit. This means that God cannot be masculine because the masculine is all about aggression, competition, conflict and individualism, all of which brings about separation and therefore cannot create Oneness.  So in no-way a male god can be One mind, One Spirit. This is why the nature of God has to be feminine. Because the nature of the female is about nurturing and maternal love and it is through unconditional and universal love that we can all become ONE in love and harmony.

Therefore because God is the ONE, She is All-powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent. She then becomes the most powerful force in the universe. So when a women is in communication with the ONE she can become in tune with this unlimited power.

Unfortunately, in patriarchal religions women are not taught this. They are instead taught that God is male and so when a spiritual woman attempts to pray to God or meditate, she finds it difficult to contact God because she is praying to a false male god. It is a bit like trying to tune into a radio station but are given the wrong tuning frequency. For this reason we find that only a small number of mystics are able to communicate with God within patriarchal religions.

Patriarchy teaches us that not only God is male he is also judgmental and punitive. For this reason Christian in the past called themselves, “God-fearing people” as they feared god’s wrath and punishment. It is true that Jesus taught that God is a loving Father God but somehow this concept never caught on.  Probably because in a patriarchal world we are taught that love is a weakness. So if we think of a all-powerful masculine god we assume he must have masculine power which is aggression, force and violence.

This is why a true god of love can only be female. We find this in the past in Pre-Christian times love is always represented by a Goddess, like Aphrodite, Venus, Freya and Radha. Unfortunately these goddesses were part of a patriarchal pantheon which always had a creator male God. So people could not find the total Oneness of God through prayers to these goddesses if a male god was the creator.

At the dawn of recorded history we do find ancient Great Mother who gave birth to the world. So in this deity we can find true Oneness because not only is she female, she was the creator of our universe. This means ancient people could see her as the Creator Mother whom like a mortal mother give us, her children, unconditional love.

So if that is true, why would people move away from such a wonderful, uplifting religion like this? It seems that the holy women of the Great Mother made a fatal mistake of allowing male priests into this religion.

According to Robert Graves, male priests where allowed in the priesthood if they were female in their behavior. So these priests wore women’s clothing, had false breasts and even castrated themselves. Probably at first, they only had male priests who were genuinely very feminine in the way they were. But this left the door open for deceitful ambitious men who would see this as an opportunity to gain power for themselves by becoming priests.

So this type of priests would pretend to be feminine but inside will be competitive males and set about competing with the holy women for power. They claimed that it was unfair that they only worshiped a female deity and not a male one as well. Holy women in an effort to be fair gave into this and so the Great Mother had a son. Over time this son became either the lover or brother of the Great Mother and they became joint creators of the world.

Once a male god was introduced he undermined the whole concept of Oneness. In is easy to tune into a sense of Oneness through the unconditional love of Great Mother. But a lot more difficult if a aggressive and competitive male is introduced into people’s prayers and meditations. So people began to lose their connection to the Oneness of the Great Mother in these changing religions.

So as women began to lose their connection to unlimited power of the Great Mother they found themselves at the mercy of men. Over time, male priests began to take control of religions creating powerful male gods and pushing the priestesses into second place. Finally goddesses and priestesses were push out of religions completely and we only had male gods with male priests like we see in Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.  

In more recent times things are changing and female power is beginning to rise again. In the last two hundred years the power that patriarchal religions have over people has been undermined by science and atheism. This is giving women the opportunity to try and recreate the ancient religion of the Great Mother. Unfortunately, knowledge of the theology of the Great Mother has been destroyed but it can be rediscovered through meditation and communication with the Great Mother.

What is difficult for people used to the teachings of patriarchal religions is the idea that the Great Mother loves us all unconditionally and She will give us everything we want and desire. Which people find hard to believe as many of us are not getting what we want or desire. But that is mostly because we now worship false male gods or don’t believe in religion at all.

Unfortunately, because we are given the gift of freewill and because we are brainwashed by patriarchal teachings and attitudes most of us wrongly use our freewill to prevent ourselves getting what we want.
 We are taught by patriarchal teachings that we have to work hard to get what we want or to be ‘good’ for God to give us what we desire.

In spite of the false teachings of patriarchal religions many spiritual people have somehow managed to find a tenuous connection to the Great Mother and been worshiped like gods. Some have created religions through this like Buddha and Mohammad or religious sects some of which ended badly. Well known examples would be Jim Jones which ended up with the massacre at Jonestown. Or David Koresh which led to the Waco siege and more to mass killings. Then finally, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who at one time had a large international following but ended up in prison.

In the past these gurus or god-men have blamed their failings on the Devil but nowadays they tend to blame the ego which has become a modern day scapegoat. Patriarchal religions haven’t delivered a better life for us all and many people feel that God has abandoned them. This is summed up in the words of a Bee Gee song called “Wind of Change”.

Don't you understand what I'm sayin',
we need a god down there.
A man to lead us children,
take us from the valley of fear.

Make the lights shine down on us,
show us the road to go.
Help us survive, make us arrive,
teach us what we need to know.

What we don’t realize is that God hasn’t forsaken us, it is we who abandoned God, when we choose to worship false male gods. The whole history of patriarchal religions tell us that men, even with the best intentions, cannot teach us the unlimited wisdom of the Great Mother. Only women can do this providing her teachings hasn’t been contaminated too much by the teachings of patriarchal religions.  

The competitive and aggressive nature of men prevent them from tuning into the unlimited wisdom of the One mind, One spirit. Only women through their maternal love can do this and find the Great Mother within themselves.

This then brings up the question and that is if the Great Mother is all-powerful why did she allow this to happen? After all if God was male we would expect him to actively interfere in our world and the fact that God does not do this, shows us that God is Female. She is totally feminine and so gives us all, her children, unconditional love. So no matter how badly these power-hungry men behaved she still loves them. She has given us all the gift of freewill and so will never actively interfere with the freewill of anyone.

Instead of bowing down and worshiping spiritual minded men we all would be better off if we worshiped spiritual minded women who have contacted the Great Mother through prayer and meditation.

For centuries women have been successful mediums or channels even though their teachings have been contaminated by patriarchal thought. Much of it has been dismissed by patriarchal critics as pollyannaish platitudes as they seem unrealistic optimistic. And example of this is Mary Baker Eddy the founder of Christian Science who believed we don’t need doctors as we could all heal ourselves in the same way as Jesus healed people in the Bible.

The difficultly with Christian Science is that in the 19th century when it started, it had to compromise too much with patriarchal beliefs within Christianity. Mary Baker Eddy push things as far as she dare, by claiming that God was both male and female. These compromises made it difficult for her followers to communicate with the Oneness of the Great Mother and perform miracles.

We have similar teachings in, “A Course In Miracles” channeled by Dr Helen Schueman these are teachings again come from the feminine One and as they were channeled in the 20th century there was less need to compromise with any patriarchal spiritual teachings. Though the true nature of God is not discussed in these teachings.

The best example of Goddess teachings come from the medium Esther Hicks. Unfortunately, although her teachings comes from the ancient Great Mother, her husband claimed they come from Abraham an Old Testament prophet.

This confusion came from a misunderstanding. Her husband Jerry Hicks asked her, while she was channeling, who was speaking through his wife.  She answered they come from the beginning of all religions. Jerry Hicks assumed this must be Abraham because he was the founder of the patriarchal religion of Judaism from which came Christianity and Islam. What he didn’t know was that there were other religions before Judaism and that the foundation of all religions was the ancient religion of the Great Mother.

So he claimed his wife was channeling Abraham even though her teachings was very different to the teaching of Abraham we find in the Bible. But the name stuck, which was a pity as the name does put off anyone interested in Goddess spiritual teachings.

To sum up. Men have all the advantages in a materialistic world because of they are, on average, larger, stronger and more aggressive than women. But women are far more powerful spiritually because the ONE is feminine in nature and therefore women find it much easier to access spiritual power then men.

In the patriarchal age men lost their connection to the unlimited power of the Great Mother because they were tricked into worshiping male gods. Which allowed men to take over and rule the world. So women can regain their power when they stop worshiping male gods and find the ONE the Great Mother, within themselves. 

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Gynocentric Christianity

Ancient Priestess

We live in a world where boys and men are encouraged to be tough and macho. We can see this in so many Hollywood films where the hero is tough and extremely violent. This is not new thing as we have many stories from history of violent, macho heroes. Who is loved by the most beautiful women in the film.

The big problem with this, is that a world ruled by these macho men is also a world of violence, wars, genocide and chaos. So we have to question whether encouraging young men to be aggressive and violent is a good idea.

The opposite way of seeing men is in the figure of Jesus who has a reputation of being, “meek and mild”. His teaching are an embarrassment to many Christians as he taught people to people to, “turn the other cheek”, to “love your enemies and bless them that hate you”. He even predicted that, “the meek shall inherit the Earth”.

This is the total antitheses of a macho man who would be condemned as a wimp if he behaved like this. It is also not the behaviour of Old Testament heroes like David, Moses or Samson who likewise were violent men. It is even not the behaviour of Mohammed who also used violence against those who opposed him.

Clearly, we would live in a far more loving and caring world if all men behaved like Jesus, but as the Bible shows, when he was betrayed and false allegations made about him he didn’t resist. Then he was whipped and crucified and he was powerless to prevent this happening.

So does this show us that, yes if would be wonderful if all men behaved like Jesus but this is impossible in our brutal, macho world. So if this is true why has this story survived for two thousand years?

Clearly Jesus is the antithesis of the macho man that most patriarchal societies promote, so how it is that his story has survived? The reason seem to be is that his story is so popular among ordinary people. The patriarchal elite may disapprove of the behaviour of Jesus but if the common people like him, then the ruling elite go along with this, if it gains popularity for the Christian Church.

Most patriarchal writings teach us that it is natural for men to be “tough and macho” and that you are not a “real man” unless you behave like this. Yet, if this was true why do patriarchal societies have to indoctrinate men to behave like this?

So could it be that men like Jesus because they see themselves in his behaviour? While women like Jesus because he is the type of men they would like to be with? As many people have pointed out even though Jesus is glorified in the Christian religion, he would be condemn by his own Church if returned in our modern world.

Certainly a male behaving like like Jesus would be bullied at school and in the workplace and be condemned as a wimp or a masochist. Yet there are men who naturally behave in the way Jesus taught.

We can find such men in the homosexual community although there are also very macho gay men. While in the heterosexual community we find femdom men who want to serve and worship women. Men like this are condemned as perverted masochists for wanting to do this.

Yet femdom desires can teach a man to be loving and caring for women and other people. But such men are clearly not macho and this is why patriarchy prefers to call such men masochistic, rather than loving men. Unfortunately because of patriarchal pressure, some femdom men feel they need to assert themselves to try and prove they are ‘normal’.

Of course in the Bible we don’t find Jesus wanting to serve and worship women. On the contrary, it is claimed he did sacrificed himself to appease a angry male god and this is why Jesus is popular in the homosexual community. For a male to sacrifice himself to another male is something they like.

In the heterosexual community it would make more sense for Jesus to sacrifice himself to a Goddess and this it seems is suggested in the Gnostic Gospel, “The Sophia Of Jesus Christ”. Sophia is the ancient Jewish Goddess of wisdom.

Jesus is not the only sacrificial/saviour god there were others before Jesus and these religion were very popular. So popular that before Roman imposed Christianity onto the Roman Empire, the three most popular religions were, the Egyptian Isis religion, the Mithras religion and Christianity all had sacrificial/saviour gods within them.

So why would the whole concept of a loving sacrificial male god be so popular? It could be that this is what men are really like, but it is only patriarchal indoctrination that turns them into brutal macho men.

The very passive and masochistic behaviour of men is shown to us by the military. Where the army can easy train men to become so obedient that in WW1 millions of soldiers walk out of trenches to face certain death from machine-gun fire, because they were ordered to do so. The Japanese air force took it a stage further when they used suicide bombers in WW2.

In fact the whole patriarchal society is dependant on men’s blind obedience to those in authority over them. Unfortunately, the whole of patriarchal history shows that patriarchal rules care little for the people they rule as they exploit them.

It would make far more sense if our world was ruled instead by caring women. This I think is what the creators of all sacrificial/saviour religions tried to promote. Unfortunately, all were destroyed and distorted by patriarchal rulers so only Christianity now survives but censored and changed to the degree that patriarchy could tolerate it. 

Goddess of Love
 God is female and not male. Mystics tell us that God is One, one mind, one spirit. Oneness comes through unconditional love and we find this in the maternal love of females for children, though some women can extend this to everyone else. So Universal love has to be feminine in nature.

So it is a waste of time worshipping a male god because the masculine is about, individualism and separation which leads to loneliness, fear, conflict, violence, hatred and chaos.

So all of us lost our contract with God when we started to worship male gods because we were on the wrong wavelength in prayer or mediation. The feminine God loves us all unconditionally which is the message Jesus was attempting teach us. But in the Bible this message had to work in the confines of a loving father god which didn’t work very well.

Our history is a history of conflict, violence and hatred because it is dominated by the masculine with male rulers and religions of male gods. We can reverse this when we worship the feminine, which is what femdom men are attempting to do. (Even though they might get it wrong when, ‘topping from the bottom’.)

We live in a world dominated by patriarchy and it seems that the masculine way is all-powerful. Yet the true power of the universe is the All-powerful feminine One. We are at the mercy of masculine power when we lose our contract with the Feminine One. So a Goddess religion based on Omnipresent and Omnipotent Female One is the way we can regain our power and create a loving and caring world.

So the instincts of Femdom men might be right, even though their desires might be distorted by patriarchal indoctrination. Women are also indoctrinated by patriarchy to believe they are weak and naturally submissive. But some women have somehow followed their own instincts and questioned patriarchal dogma.

It is through such women that we had women working together to empower themselves. So that during the 19th and 20th centuries we have had Feminism and the Suffragettes who have given women greater political and economic power.

Some these women have understood that God is female, like Emmeline Pankhurst who once said. “trust in God SHE will provide”. And it is from this understanding that they become powerful. 

To read more about this go to. Female Friendly Femdom 

Monday 19 August 2019

Monday 8 April 2019

A Femdom Religion?

The teaching of Jesus was about tolerance, peace and love.  Yet Christianity itself has a reputation of bigotry, intolerance, force, violence and even hatred.  His teachings like; "Turn the other cheek", "love your enemies" and "resist not evil" as well as his behaviour in allowing himself to be betrayed, whipped and crucified doesn't fit in with the behaviour of the Christian church.  His teachings seemed to be masochistic. 

To quote the King James Bible.

In Matthew chapter 5 verse 38

Ye have heard that it hath been said.  And eye for a eye a tooth for a tooth:
But I say unto you.  That ye resist not evil: but whosoever she smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.
And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee and not turn not thou away.
Ye have heard that it hath been said.  Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
But I say unto you.  Love your enemies, bless them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you:
That ye many be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth the rain on the just and on the unjust.

We can see the same ideas in Luke chapter 6 verse 27

But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you.
Bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you.
And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take away thy coat also.
Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again
And as ye would that man should do to you, do also to them likewise
For if ye love them which love you, what thanks have ye for sinners also, love those that love them.
And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? For sinners also do even the same.
And if ye lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what thank ye? For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive much gain.
But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the highest:  For he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father is merciful.
Judge not and ye shall not be judged:  condemn not and ye shall not be condemned:  forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.  

Many Christians do not like these teaching and prefer to ignore them but Jesus not only taught this, he also practiced it.  Jesus allowed himself to betrayed by his disciple Judas, even though he knew what Judas was doing.  He didn’t try to defend himself from accusations made by the Pharisees, either.  He also didn’t cooperate with Pilate’s attempts to get him released. 

In the end, he voluntary allowed himself to be mocked and beaten and then whipped, tortured and crucified by the Roman soldiers.  So why was Jesus behaving in this way?  After all, he comes across as a total wimp, because he never attempted to stand up for himself.  You could even accuse him of masochism.  For this reason many Christians do not like the extreme "meek and mild" image that Jesus presents to the world.

Scholars, points out that the story of Jesus is not original or unique because many other pagan gods like Osiris, Orpheus, Dionysus, Bacchus, Mithras, Odin, Bader, Loki and Pan also had similar histories.  The story of a god-man who performed miracles like healing the sick, then was condemned to death and crucified, but returned from the dead, was commonplace in many pre-Christian religions.  These gods died on trees or stakes and some like Dionysus and Jesus died on crosses. 

Most of these stories come from Mystery Plays but unfortunately much of the knowledge of these plays were destroyed by Christians and Moslems.  So today we don't know a lot about what the Mysteries were, but if we look at the behaviour Jesus and other sacrificial Gods we can get an idea of what they might be about.

What Christians claim is that Jesus in the Bible sacrificed himself to the Father God for the sin of mankind.  They also claim that God was angry with mankind and Jesus sacrificed himself to appease the anger of his father.  This is, in spite of the fact that Jesus claimed that the Father God was a loving God.  In other sacrificial gods all the sins of mankind are accepted by the saviour god who then is abused, punished and put to death.  So he becomes the scapegoat for the sins of the community.

Now in all Mystery religions there is an outer and inner mystery, where all knowledge of the inner mysteries is unknown except of an initiated few.  In the earlier Mystery plays the saviour god sacrificed themselves to The Great Mother.  For instance, in the Nordic mythology, Loki, one of their oldest Gods, was sacrificed to the Goddess Skadi.  While even in the Jesus story, his crucifixion is witnessed by the three Marys.  Who probably represented in earlier times the Triple Goddesses.

Jesus is also called a king and this may be about a very ancient tradition where the king is sacrifice.  It seems in the matriarchal past only queens could rule but she had consort kings.  These were mostly young men, and if the queen grew tired of him then he was sacrificed for the fertility of the land. 

Why this happened might be because a deposed king may be angry at his lost of power and status and stir up trouble for the Queen.  Or he might be executed because he began to abuse his power, and tried to undermine or disobey the Queen.  So the sacrifice of kings had a long tradition until with the rise of patriarchy, kings became too powerful to allow themselves to be sacrificed.

For this reason, the tradition of the sacrificing the king may have happened as matriarchy was declining.  In a true matriarchal society men would not expect to have any power, and so a Queen could have many lovers with no fear that these men will want to take away her powers.  As it would have been unthinkable in those days, that a male could, depose a queen and rule in her place. 

But with the rise of patriarchy, then queens may find themselves with lovers with strong political ambitions.  So the only way to deal with them, was to have them executed, or threaten them with execution and claim it was a sacrifice.

This type of sacrifice probably wasn't voluntary, but in the savoir god tradition it was.  It was made very clear in the Bible that Jesus made no attempt to resist being crucified.  So from this we have to ask the question how can the voluntary sacrifice of the god-man to the Great Mother, save us all? 

In the past there was once a peaceful and caring matriarchal age that worshipped the Great Mother.  In this age women ruled society and men never questioned this rule.  Then women began to allow men more freedom but this went too far and men abused this freedom, and ended up taking over and ruling society through violence.  Clearly if we look at the history of the last four or five thousand years we can see clearly that men have made a terrible job at ruling the world.  Men's answer to all problems has been aggression and violence, .which has created a world of wars, genocide, poverty, fear, hatred and suffering. 

This was clearly seen two to three thousand years ago at the time of the saviour gods when there was still knowledge of the ancient matriarchal past.  At that time there must have been a large number of people who wanted the world to return to matriarchy and the worship of the Great Mother.  But what was preventing this, was violent and aggressive men.

This means that people who attempted to set up a matriarchal society of love and harmony, would be quickly conquered by violent men, who were only interested in loot and enslaving the population.  So it would be clear that the cause of all the wars, violence, poverty and suffering was these selfish and violent men. 

We know from history that the Amazons did for a while attempt to fight fire with fire and fight back.  But this clearly wasn't the answer because by becoming violent yourself you become exactly like the people you are fighting against.  In other words the only way Amazons could be free was to become as aggressive, ruthless and violence as the men they fought.  The Amazons failed to stop the rising tide of patriarchy, probably because women were unable to become as brutal and ruthless as men.

For this reason some women decided on a different strategy and attempted to reform these violent men. To do this they gave them a vision of what a caring and loving world would be like and explaining to them this is only possible if you are willing to sacrifice yourself to the Great Mother. So a story was created about a drama of heroic sacrifice, of a God-man sacrificing himself for the good of the world. To some degree this seems to of been successful because all over Europe and the Middle East there were saviour god religions.  So it seems many men were willing to sacrifice themselves to the Goddess in these Mystery religions. 

The reason might be that if men are the natural submissive sex then men would flock to a religion like this as it would allow them to express their deeper urges to worship women. Unfortunately, these religions became victims of their own success, because the violent men who had no interested in sacrificing themselves, saw these religions as a threat to their power and set about destroying them.

It is of interest that early Christianity was very popular among the slaves of the Roman empire.  This would make sense as many matriarchal societies where victims of the conquering Romans, so there would be a tradition of the worship of the Mother Goddess among the slaves.  For this reason they would be very sympathetic to a saviour god religion like early Christianity. 

Attempts by the Roman ruling elite to stamp out these saviour god religions, was at first was unsuccessful.  It seems that both Christianity and the Egyptian religion of the Goddess Isis and her saviour god Osiris were very popular among the common people and even the troops of the Roman Empire. 

The ruling elite meanwhile attempted to promote a religion based on the sun god, and another saviour god Mithras, but this didn't receive enough support from the people.  So in the end they decided that if you can't beat them join them. 

The Roman rulers simply hijacked the Christian religion and changed it to make it acceptable to them.  They then set about destroying the religion of Isis and Christian sects like the Egyptian Gnostics that refused follow the type of Christianity put forward by the Roman elite.  The actual teachings of Jesus like, "loving your neighbour", "turning the other cheek" was quickly ignored as the Roman rulers and became more interested in the religion of Judaism and promoted this, rather than what was taught by the early Christian Church. 

The promotion of Judaism was the opposite to what many early Gnostic Christians taught, as they referred to the Jewish Jehovah god as the Demiurge and claimed he was a evil god whom Jesus came to save humankind from.  The original Christian teachings was suppose to be an attack on the Old Testament and the patriarchal religion of Judaism, but this was soon changed to endorsing it.

Another big change was that many of the saviour god religions promoted sexual freedom.  We can see this is the religions of Dionysus and Bacchus where many of the famous Roman orgies were Bacchus festivals.  Sexual freedom at the time benefited wealthy women.  This was because if women had a sexual licence to have sex with whoever they liked, then no one could say for sure whom were the fathers of their children and so, men had little idea who were their sons. 

This meant that inheritance of wealth and power could only come down the female line.  Meaning that, a large amount of wealth and power stayed in the hands of women.  It seems that early Christianity was also an orgiastic religion of free love, before it became a state religion.  To promote the power of men, Christianity was changed to have strict marriage laws where it became a sin to have sex outside of marriage.  The idea being that rich and powerful men knew whom their sons were and could pass their wealth and power down the male line, preventing it getting into the hands of women.

Then Christianity as a state religion and later the Moslems set about destroying all knowledge of the ancient religion of the Great Mother.  With this knowledge finally forgotten by the common people, they were then able to put forward the idea that Jesus sacrificed himself to an angry god to appease him.  Rather then the idea that all men need to sacrifice themselves to the Great Mother, and to women, before we can have a peaceful matriarchal world once again.

Perhaps the mystery religions of the past were a few thousand years before their time.  They were trying to promote a vision of a peaceful and loving world in a very violent age.  Today in the 21st century we see in the West at least a different attitude to violent men.  It is far less acceptable for Western rulers to go out and conquer other countries, (though it still goes on, as we saw in the recent Iraq and Afghanistan wars).  And it is far less acceptable for them to rule through fear and intimation.  Western rulers today are forced to listen to the needs and desires of the common people and even respect the views and opinions of minorities. 

So perhaps the sacrificial/saviour god image within Christianity acted as a Trojan Horse for the patriarchal age.  On the collective unconscious level it created an archetype that has influenced all men in Christian countries for the last two thousand years.  So that the idea of voluntary sacrifice has become acceptable to men which is starting to bear fruit in the last hundred years.  It is interesting that feminism has progressed in Christian countries where men allow women to demand equal rights.  This is in stark contrast in Islam countries where feminist women are beaten up, put into jail, and murdered by being stoned and beheaded.

In contrast, we have seen in Christian countries Jesus like men, in Hippies of the 1960s where men have tried to practise peace and love.  Or ideas of the "new man" where men stay at home to look after the house and family while his wife goes out to work.  In its more extreme form, we have the concept of Femdom where women totally dominate men.  So are these men very much in tune with the archetypal sacrificial/saviour god?  Clearly if all men are strongly influenced by this powerful archetypal it will save the world from violence, wars and suffering.

Although Christianity has mostly ignored the teachings of Jesus and have concentrated more on the Old Testament god of judgement and fear, the symbols of a sacrificial Jesus are seen in all Churches.  Also, the Great Mother is represented in Roman Catholic Churches in the disguise of the Virgin Mary.  So even though many Christian priests have only paid lip-service to the teachings of Jesus and the drama of his betrayal and crucifixion, this is still taught.  These symbols, dramas and teachings have been unconsciously influencing men in Christian Counties ever since Christianity became a state religion.

So although in the short term the attempt by matriarchal women to create a submissive saviour god in the past seems like a failure.  The popularity of the sacrificial drama of Jesus Christ has brought about an archetypal change in men, which will allow men to surrender themselves to women and bring about a new matriarchal age.  After all, it is in Christian countries where we see the rise in feminism during the 20th century and more recently the beginnings of Female Domination.  The concept of the sacrificial god, does seem to be working on minds of men to allow themselves to tune into this powerful archetype.

If you want to read more about this go to my other blog. Femdom Christainity


Bible – King James version
The Jesus Mysteries – Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
Jesus and the Goddess – Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets – Barbara G. Walker
When God Was a Woman – Merlin Stone
The Christ Conspiracy – Acharya S.
The White Goddess – Robert Graves
The Golden Bough – Sir James Frazer.
The Great Mother – Erich Neumann